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Genetic Testing

Genetic Testing: What You Need to Know

Introduction to Genetic Testing: Genetic testing involves analyzing DNA to identify changes or mutations that may cause disease or increase the risk of developing certain conditions. It can provide valuable information for diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases.

Types of Genetic Tests:

  • Diagnostic Testing: Identifies genetic conditions in symptomatic individuals.
  • Predictive and Presymptomatic Testing: Detects mutations that may develop into diseases later.
  • Carrier Testing: Determines if a person carries a gene mutation for a hereditary disease.
  • Prenatal Testing: Screens for genetic abnormalities in a developing fetus.
  • Newborn Screening: Detects genetic disorders early in life.

Benefits and Risks: Genetic testing can provide a clear diagnosis, inform treatment decisions, and guide family planning. However, it can also raise ethical, legal, and social concerns, including privacy issues and potential emotional impact.

Process and Considerations: Genetic testing involves a sample collection, DNA analysis, and result interpretation by a genetic counselor or healthcare provider. Informed consent and understanding the implications are crucial.

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